Program Costs per Person

Congressional per capita expenditures for Native Americans via the Indian Health Service tend to be much smaller than per capita expenditures for other populations. Per capita data of expenditures for populations like prisoners tend to be sparsely collected, leading to holes in year-to-year data.
Per capita federal health expenditures for different services (dollar amount per person)
Organization Year
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Indian Health Service $1,914 $2,130 $2,696  $2,741
Medicare $5,915  $6,784 $11,018
Medicaid $3,879  $5,841
Veterans $5,214  $4,653 $6,130
Federal prisoners $3,803
National health care $5,065 $6,909
Federal employees* $3,725 $4,817
* FEHB Benchmark. * Sources: Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service and National Congress of American Indians