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The Changing Climate of Biosphere 2

After a failed infamous two-year experiment in the 1990s, Biosphere 2 is now a leader in geological research for the University of Arizona in climate change.

From Behind the Lens of the Universe

Atop a desert mountain where the stars shine brightly, astronomers gaze deeply into the universe. But at Kitt Peak, as elsewhere, astronomers rarely put eye to telescope any more. Advances in technology have taken astronomers from behind the lens to the world of digital images.

Griselda Ramirez

Unexpectedly meeting the girlfriend of a man killed when a police siege went wrong reinforced Griselda Ramirez’s determination to succeed as a journalist. “I feel like the news follows me,” Ramirez says.

NYTSJI 2013: Under Way

The 2013 class of The New York Times Student Journalism Institute started in Tucson, Ariz. Twenty-three students will tackle Tucson news for two weeks with the assistance of reporters and editors from The New York Times and The Boston Globe.

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