Melanie Dostis

Melanie Dostis started her journalism career at 11, when she created her own monthly newspaper. Now a student at Northeastern University in Boston, she expects to graduate next May.

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Moving to Plan B for Border Surveillance

After the failure of a $1.1 billion network of surveillance towers, another costly initiative is underway to help seal the 2,000 mile-long U.S.-Mexican border, using high-tech, high-priced, high-rise motion-detectors.

Tucson Beats Phoenix in Conserving Water

As drought concerns underlie water-use policies in the Southwest, a sharp contrast between Arizona’s two major metropolitan areas.

Out With the Old Lions, In With the New

After 13 years, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s sibling mountain lions, the zoo’s mascots of sorts, are being forced into retirement by arthritis. A cub, almost 6 months, that was found orphaned in San Jose, Calif., will replace the siblings. And when the siblings retire, so too will the name George L. Mountainlion. An online contest is being held to name the cub.

Alex Wroblewski

It was a long journey for Alex Wroblewski to “stumble upon” photography. Now at 26 and a junior at Columbia College Chicago, he hopes to cover Middle Eastern affairs one day.

Jeannette Cruz

Writing has surrounded Jeannette Cruz since childhood. Now a senior at Arizona State University, not much has changed and she dreams of many writing possibilities in her future.